No 10 "PR2"
Robot 'PR2', developed by Willow Garage - a company best known for its open-source software suite Robot Operating System in the United States, can experimentally do household tasks and is part of a Europe-wide project.
Robot 'PR2' flips a pancake in a laboratory kitchen of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Informatics and Automation of Bremen University in Bremen, Germany, Feb 27, 2013.
No 9 Kirobo
File photo released by Kibo Robot Project on Sept 5, 2013.
The 34-cm high robot astronaut, born in the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, was announced as the first robot that was able to speak in outer space. The talking robot was set to be employed as 'companion' to Japanese astronaut Kochi Wakata, who is expected to take command of the ISS later last year.
No 8 Coloning "Bertolt Meyer"
World's first-ever bionic man that can breathe, walk and talk is 6-foot tall and built entirely from bionic body parts and implantable synthetic organs. All artificial organs were donated by 17 companies worldwide. The robot worth roughly $1 million was based on Bertolt Meyer, a social psychologist in University of Zurich, Switzerland.
The first-ever bionic man stands on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., the United States, Oct 18, 2013.
No 8 Coloning "Bertolt Meyer"
The robotic band has three members: a four-arm drummer "Stickboy", a 78-finger guitarist "Fingures", and a top-notch bassist "Bones". Their maiden performance tour started from Australia last year.
The robotic band "Compressorhead" perform during a concert in Union Square in New York, Nov 12, 2013.
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